2020年韩国国际建材展 展会时间:2020年2月26-3月1日 2020年7月(四天) 展会地点:2月京畿道高阳市KINTEX 7月首尔国际会展中心COEX 举办周期:一年2届 中国组展单位:北京艾德嘉国际展览有限公司 韩国建材五金的进出口项目,大致可分为建筑用五金材料、耐火陶瓷建材、建筑用石材等。近年来,建筑五金产品主要进出口规模分别为,出口额为8,370万美元,进口额为7,960万美元;耐火陶瓷建材出口额为615万美元,进口额为4,560万美元;建筑用石材出口额为5万美元,进口额为331万美元。 出口目的地的情况为,建筑用五金材料主要出口目的地主要是美国、日本、中国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、英国、加拿大等;耐火陶瓷建材主要出口目的地是日本、印尼、马来西亚、伊朗、西班牙、新加坡、中国等;建筑用石材主要出口目的地则为美国、墨西哥、日本、法国、德国、西班牙、俄罗斯等。 Beijing Aidejia International Fairs Co. Ltd is a professional International exhibition company. We have professional institutions for organizing international exhibitions, business investigating tours, and the design and the set-up of exhibits. Our company has been organizing the world's well-known international exhibitions for many years, such as international petrochemical exhibition, tube exhibition, pump exhibition, auto parts exhibition, logistics exhibition, hardware exhibition, etc. We work closely with the foreign exhibition holders such as America, Europe, Africa, and Eastern Asia. Dedicating to bringing the best and the most specialized exhibitions to domestic producers and trades, we also provide professional and all-round exterior exhibition services.