DesignBUILD will be returning to Melbourne in 2020 at the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre Tues 27 October 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Wed 28 October 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Thu 29 October 10:00 am – 4.00 pm DesignBuild 展会始于1987年,至今已有30余年的历史。该展会得到澳大利亚**、澳大利亚建筑协会、澳大利亚建筑设计师协会、澳大利亚石材顾问协会等部门单位的大力支持。展会在澳大利亚悉尼与墨尔本城市之间轮流举行,是澳大利亚乃至大洋洲地区较大的综合建材展之一。 自2020年起,展会主办方 Diversified Comminications Australia 有了新的突破,首先是安排 DesignBuild 与专注于楼宇建筑、楼宇设施管理的 Total Facilities 澳洲建筑设施博览会强强联手;Total Facilities 和DesignBUILD 两展同期同地举办,致力于打造建筑规划、设计、运营的建筑全生命周期平台;更是倾力打造中国制造展品进口专业平台的ChinaBuild,除了吸引有意向大批量采购专业建筑、建材进口商前来参观外,还共享 Total Facilities 和DesignBUILD 两展观众资源。 2020年10月27-29号 Originally scheduled to run from 21-23 April, the event will now take place on 27-29 October 2020. The venue, MelbourneConvention & Exhibition Centre, remains unchanged. IMPORTANT EVENT UPDATE: DesignBUILD postponed until October Organisers of DesignBUILD, Diversified Communications Australia, have been closely monitoring the current situation regarding the outbreak of the novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19).